our story
Ignited by a thirst for knowledge and the power to do good, these childhood besties are reshaping the way consumers think about fashion. For over 20+ years, Madison and Leila have complimented each other like Yin & Yang, tackling all of life’s challenges together. Now, as business partners, entrepreneurs, and founders of The SYS Method, Madison’s action-oriented spirit and Leila’s detail mind and unwavering support have laid the groundwork for a business that marries the two worlds of fashion and psychology.
“Our partnership is a testament to the idea that the smallest of decisions can catalyze the most significant transformations. As we work together to shape our business, we are fueled by the knowledge that our bond, coupled with our shared commitment, has the potential to leave a lasting imprint on the fashion landscape.” - Madison & Leila
With a deep commitment to sustainability and mental health, and a shared love for creative expression, Madison and Leila invite you to embark on this transformative journey of Streamlining Your Style - where fashion finds its soul and sustainability finds its style. Lets redefine fashion, one mindful choice at a time.

meet madison
For me, fashion has always been a form of self -expression and creativity. From an early age, I fell in love with the art of design and the connectivity that fashion has on the world at large. That’s why it was no surprise that fashion was the industry I wanted to pursue and the field I wanted to specialize in.
In my experience working as a personal stylist, makeup artist, and marketing specialist in the fashion & beauty industries, I quickly learned that the industry I knew to love was not what I thought it was. I saw how much waste was accumulated from excess product and how exclusive and out-of-touch certain brands were. I saw how consumers gave in to flash trends and how these trends took over people’s unique identities. And when I learned that the fashion industry causes some of the highest levels of pollution in the world, I knew I wanted to make a difference.
My advanced degree in Applied Psychology in Fashion, from the London College of Fashion, was a path for me to study fashion as a form of human behavior. I used it as my launch pad to re-discover how fashion can be a tool to celebrate personal style while promoting sustainability and inclusivity. In my studies, I did extensive research on the link between women’s biological lifespan’s and their self-expression and identity. I became an expert on capsule wardrobes and the link between minimalist philosophies and overall well -being, and was recently published in the International Journal of Market Research for my findings. It is apparent to me that there is so much room for change in the fashion industry. My mission in creating Streamline Your Style is to make those positive changes.
meet leila
Growing up, fashion was something that brought joy and excitement to my life. As I entered adulthood, however, my relationship to clothing became more complicated. While the fashion industry pushed for faster trends and less mindful consumption, I found myself confused and panicked over making day-to-day fashion choices that truly reflected my personal style. Getting dressed every day went from effortless to stressful.
With a degree in psychology, I have always had an interest in understanding and helping people on a deeper level. So, when Madison had the brilliant idea to bring psychology to fashion, while also giving back to our planet, I knew I not only had to be involved but I would be the perfect first client. Like many women today, I have struggled with insecurity, shame, and anxiety surrounding my appearance. Through the process of Streamlining I was able to start accepting me for me. I learned how to reclaim my unique sense of style and walk with confidence in my own skin. I also discovered that giving back to the planet brought me more joy than any fast-fashioned item ever could.
I have witnessed firsthand the potential to create change in an industry that has often overlooked its social and environmental responsibilities. Most importantly, I have witnessed the potential to create change in myself and those around me.
My journey from being Madison’s first client to becoming a co-founder was driven by the prospect of not only bringing sustainable, psychology-infused mindfulness practices to the world, but also by the opportunity to showcase the power of friendship and collaboration in pursuit of meaningful change.
built on three foundational pillars
The Psychology of Fashion is a new branch in the sciences that studies fashion as a form of human behavior. Although research on this topic is still new and innovative, findings continue to suggest the effects that clothing has on the mental processes and the ways in which people think, feel, and respond to information. SYS is more than a styling service because it is backed by science. These findings suggest that by owning less items of clothing, and loving each individual piece, consumers are able to enhance their well-being, decrease stress, influence their creativity, and provide them with tools in becoming more conscious consumers.
For example, UCLA’s Center on Everyday Lives and Families found a direct link between women’s cortisol levels and high density of household items. Although ridding of sentimental items can cause emotional paralyzation, the research found that by decluttering the home, women felt an overall feeling of less stress and depression. Additionally, research surrounding the Paradox of Choice suggests that the more choice we have, the less satisfied we are. More specifically, this research suggests that fashion consumers are some of the most dissatisfied decision makers. Due to the overwhelming amount of choice that comes with fashion brands, styles, and trends, consumers feel obliged to spend more, yet often experience remorse after their purchases which leads to returns or accumulation of unwanted items.
What this research suggests is that less really is more. SYS stands out amongst other styling services because it provides an experience for clients to let go and find peace within themselves. It gives clients a chance to make physical room in their wardrobes while also making room for the activities, relationships, and experiences that bring them joy. Let SYS help you to release and in turn, find peace.
With an accelerated production of seasonal collections and exposure to fashion trends, the fashion industry has become the second leading contributor to carbon emissions behind the oil industry. With the rise of fast fashion companies that promote quick, spur of the moment purchases; the fashion industry does not make it easy for consumers to simply slow down. In the attempt to keep up with fashion trends, consumers continue to purchase more, yet they do not wear at least 50% of their wardrobes. Additionally, on average, consumers only wear a piece of clothing seven times before getting rid of it, and an average of 35kg of textile waste is generated per person each year in the United States.
For many, fashion is seen as a fun, frivolous industry. Rarely do people see fashion as an intellectual industry that has a significant influence on the culture and environment in which we live. We often hear about retail therapy and the release that consumers feel when they are able to “shop till they drop.” But at what cost are these mindless addictions enjoyable?
SYS’s mission is to educate clients on how to alter their consumption patterns to become more responsible. This doesn’t mean that the answer is to stop shopping or to avoid fast fashion all together. Instead, the goal is to view shopping for clothes like you would shopping for a healthy diet. First of all, it’s a lifestyle change rather than a quick solution. Second of all, it’s all about quality over quantity. By leaning into minimalist philosophies, clients are able to fall in love with the pieces that they purchase without feeling guilty or regretful.
There is so much joy in viewing fashion as a humanitarian effort. After all, we all wear clothing so why don’t we start to take it more seriously? We all play a part in helping make the world we live in a better place. Let SYS help you to save the planet, one blazer at a time.
In a society where we are taught that more is more, and that keeping up with the Jones’ is at the peak of our values system, we find ourselves in a constant spiral of self-comparison. No matter who you are, how much money you make, what your gender is, or what your style is, we are all victims of the toxic self-destructive behaviors surrounding self-comparison. In an industry such as fashion, creative and innovation has been notoriously viewed as the quintessence of success. A chance to stand out and remain ahead of the curve is what creates fashion trends and cultural shifts.
However, with the rise of Instagram and fast fashion, the industry has turned into a homogenous culture that dictates what consumers want before they even know it. Because of this demand for trends, consumers have become accustomed to the pressure to keep up in an attempt to remain accepted and liked by their peers. Gone are the days of authentic personal style. Today, style has become a means to take a fleeting photo for the chance of social validation.
What Streamline Your Style gives is a chance for clients to rediscover their own version of personal style; found from within. This is not a styling service that is going to praise a Gucci loafer because it was seen on the runway at NY Fashion Week. Instead, this is a service that is going to choose pieces that are personalized for you. By celebrating your unique features, lifestyle, and interests, SYS will help you rebuild a wardrobe that tells the story of your own style. Let SYS guide you in stepping into the life you’ve always dreamed of. Give yourself the gift of identity because there’s no better feeling than being 100% you.